Expressing Christhood leads to the path of the Abundant Life (More Insights)

My beloved spiritual brothers and sisters, today I would like to share more of my insights into the abundant life.  The life that my brother, Jesus Christ, had achieved 2000 years ago and had shared them “ABUNDANTLY” with all life.  He had provided some of them with certain material abundance, but more importantly he had provided teachings that will help foster your inner abundance, the ever-lasting spring of water, the fountain of water that last through eternity and for which will never run dry.  This is the inner abundance I wish to discuss later in my insights, my dear brothers and sisters.

For now, I will call this my insights part two.  For the next few months and beyond, I will continually share my inner abundance of insights, the fountain of my life to you all so hopefully my beloved brothers and sisters that you can see and learn how you could foster your own fountain of inner abundance.

Abundance, my beloved, is known by many explanations.  My beloved, we all gravitate towards one form of abundance.  The material abundance.  We seek it, we thrive on it and we sometimes fight for death for it.  Why is it then, my beloved that we are fighting or seeking the elusive fountain of wealth?  It is because, we are seeking it outside ourselves.  Certainly, that is what we are seeking my beloved, because devoid of the spiritual world and path, we are then walking the physical path.  The path of death, and so on the path of death, there can be no light and therefore there can be no life in you to foster the abundant life.  My beloved, I know many of you including myself were seeking the path to the abundant life.  In my early years of walking the path, when I understood with the abundant life using my linear mind, my logical mind I deduce that the abundant life meant a life of wealth and material abundance.  And if I can provide that to all in the ways I see fit, I also had to provide the means of wealth to my brothers and sisters on this planet we call Earth.  But what is missing in my logic is that, I did not possess the means to create this abundant life.  I didn’t know how to create this abundant life out of thin air, because truly my beloved brothers and sisters, how can you create abundance out of thin air?  Then your logically mind automatically steps in and say — Ah hah!  To create the abundant life means to make lots of money or to accumulate material wealth and then that is we can achieve what Jesus had done.  But my beloved, how happy are you with creating this abundant life through accumulating material wealth?  Is creating material wealth and sharing this wealth to others who are in need; is this the way Jesus meant us to do?

I had met a number of spiritual students who believed that when they had completed either a certain spiritual teaching or even the 2yr Christhood program, they will then automatically be given so much light and with a whisk of a wand, they can manifest anything they desire.  But my beloved, do you know what they always want?
They always want something that is “material” in nature.  Now, my beloved, I would like to say that living the abundant life does not mean you can’t have material wealth, or be able to co-create conditions that foster the creation of material abundance.  However, as I had walked the way for quite sometime, I realized that material wealth, power in position and fame are not what makes it truly the path to the abundant life.  What I had found is that, when you have inner abundance, you no longer seek power, fame, control and superiority anymore, for being a unique co-creator you always have the upper hand vs de-creators; people who are unable to manifest inner abundance, their inability to bring in more spiritual light into the material realm but have to resort to recycling the spiritual light that are already available on this planet.  It’s like you are Micheal Phelps and you can swim to victory competition after competition against your opponents and you hardly worry that you will be out-trumped by those who tried.  A co-creator is someone who had worked out all his or her personal psychologies and is now in the position to be the pure conduit for the light of god and who is able to co-create with god’s light so it can benefit for all the spiritual beings.  This is the person’s self-less act, because certainly this individual doesn’t need all this light and therefore, like to share this light and by performing service to lifestreams on this planet, this individual can then demonstrate what it means to be on the path of light or life versus the path of death.  By showing this path of light and by fostering this path of light, this individual can then help raise the conscious level of all beings by always raising him or herself, because when you are on the path of Christhood, you are also growing consciously and this growth never stops even if you leave this planet.  The growth is infinite, so by this nature of wanting to keep growing, through the multiplication factor, even more light will pass through this individual and therefore more can be given.

How then do you allow more light to flow through you?  Good question.  So let’s start with my brother Jesus.  Jesus, when he was ministering his flock and exercising his Christhood on Earth, he was able to allow 25,000Hz of light to flow through him.  This is the amount of light that all of us are also meant to have the potential to flow.  However, most of us are not able to allow this much light to flow through right now.

How do you increase the flow of light?  Well, the simple answer would be to begin what my brother Jesus had provided, the 2 year course in Personal Christhood.  But if this does not resonate with you or you are having difficulty even starting the course, what I would suggest be the best course of action is to continue to look at your own personal psychologies and approach in a 3rd party observational role.  
The reason is that, at every level of our consciousness, there are certain unresolved psychologies and primal selves that you have to resolve.  As you raise your level of consciousness and resolving many of your primal selves, you will help yourself in becoming a more efficient conduit for god’s light to flow through.

So what does that mean about the abundant life at lower level of consciousness and higher levels of consciousness?  At lower levels, you can and are more focused in manifesting material abundance, because your abilities to allow light from above to flow through you is limited, so you tend to rely a lot on recycling light what’s already available here.  This is the same analogy with someone who does not have a new source of income and have to rely on his or her personal savings to make do with life.  But as the spiritual being raises his or her consciousness and remove as many primal selves, then the spiritual being’s ability to allow more of god’s light to flow through increases.  The analogy to this is that the individual gets a new job that creates a new source of income so he or she does not need to rely on his or her own savings to live.  As the individual earns an income, any excess unused income can then be invested in investments in infrastructure building and for the benefit of all mankind.  These investments pay a dividend income indexed to inflation.  As the individual invests further, now the individual has multiple sources of income, income from his work, income from his investments and income from his savings.  As his sources of incomes increase, his need to work lessens and eventually the individual’s income outpace the needs of the individual.  This excess income then become a source to be shared by this individual to those who are in need.

This is the analogy to someone who had achieved a high level of Christhood, have the ability to channel god’s light from above and basically outpace what this individual total needs.  So now, with this perpetual abundance, the inner fountain of spring that will never runs dry, then having to grace to share his or her wealth to all.  

The purpose of the Christhood path is to give a taste, this taste of new source of god’s light to those who are still embracing darkness, so they could experience the light, know their place and at least be enlightened to see the truth that they do not need to live in darkness.  A lot may reject your god’s light.  This is to be expected.

So my brothers and sisters, inner abundance is an experience of inner wealth of light that we can all receive from god.  As long as we are fixated in trying to create material wealth, fame, power and pride in our outer selves, this inner spring of water will always elude us.

So share your insights with others so that others can begin walking his or her own Christhood path, for achieving inner abundance is and had always been your birth right.  

From Blog: Oneness and MORE Than I AM


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