How would we know sight existed,
if all were blind? 

Billions of souls, 
toiling away in the darkness. 

And if one awakened, 
and knew he had eyes to see. 

Would the blind dismiss him,
or condemn him for heresy? 

And if all were deaf, 
and one unplugged her ears.

Would the world scoff at the notion, 
that she could hear angels sing? 

If a clam, 
who never came out of his little shell...

Claimed to know the ways of the world, 
would we heed him? 

Or would we laugh?
for he never ventured from where he dwelt.  

If I told the rising sun, 
it did not exist, 
it's rays would still illuminate the world.

And thus, 
what if infinity,

lies within the serenity, 
of our hearts?

What if god is all around us?

Tickling our souls with laughter,
that effervescent joy. 

Or shining in the eyes,
of a mother's beautiful baby boy? 

What if we quiet our minds,
and still our hearts. 

we will recognize it. 

and his sacred art. 

From the Blog: "The Poet and the Sage"


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